Coordinate Reference Systems of Norway - NO
CRS Identifier CRS Annotation Select
Descr. of CRS Descr. of Transf. Online Transf.
NO_ETRS89 / UTMDatum ETRS89 in Norwegian realisation with UTM Projection (special extension of zones, one zone drop out) Link to description of CRS for NO_ETRS89 / UTM Link to description of Transformation for NO_ETRS89  
NO_NGO1948 / NO_TMDatum NGO1948 in Transverse Mercator Projection (8 unregulary zones) with special Norwegian parameters Link to description of CRS for NO_NGO1948 / NO_TM Link to description of Transformation for NO_NGO1948  
NO_TREG / NOHorthometric heights referred to tide gauge Tregde (also known as NN1954) Link to description of CRS for NO_TREG / NOH Link to description of Transformation for NO_TREG Link to Online-Transformation for NO_TREG