Description of Transformation - NL_RD to ETRS89
Operation identifierNL_RD to ETRS89
Operation identifier alias
Country identifierNL
Operation valid area
Operation scope
Source coordinate reference system identifierNL_RD (X, Y, Z)
Target coordinate reference system identifierETRS89 (X, Y, Z)
Operation version
official since  01.01.2005

parameters originally determined based on 13 points of 
NEREF91 campaign, validated in 1998 using 418 points of 
national GPS-base network, corrected in 2004 for a new 
realisation of ETRS89 based on 4 AGRS.NL stations 
Operation method name7 parameter Helmert transformation
Operation method name aliasPosition Vector Transformation
Operation method formula
see  (1) 


Polman.J, Salzmann, M. A.: Handleiding voor de Technische 
Werkzaamheden van het Kadaster, Kadaster, Apeldoorn, 1996 


7 Parameter Helmert Transformation regarding ISO
 |X|   |X|    |Tx|   |  0  -Rz   Ry |   |X|       |X|
 |Y| = |Y| +  |Ty| + | Rz   0   -Rx | * |Y| + D * |Y|
 |Z|   |Z|    |Tz|   |-Ry   Rx    0 |   |Z|       |Z|
    T     S                                S         S

T          ... Target Datum
S          ... Source Datum 
Tx, Ty, Tz ... geocentric X/Y/Z translations  [m]
Rx Ry, Rz  ... rotations around X/Y/Z axis    [radian]
D          ... correction of scale            [ppm]

REMARKS: sources (1) and (2) have the same formula, but 
different definition of signs of rotations, rotations signs 
of specified parameters are regarding formula above 
Operation method parameters number7
Operation method remarks
Operation parameter namegeocentric X translation
Operation parameter value+565.24 m
Operation parameter remarks
Operation parameter namegeocentric Y translation
Operation parameter value+50.01 m
Operation parameter remarks
Operation parameter namegeocentric Z translation
Operation parameter value+465.66 m
Operation parameter remarks
Operation parameter namerotation X-axis
Operation parameter value-1.9725*10^-6 rad
Operation parameter remarksor -0.4069" (in offical provided data from NL sign of rotation is invers because of other sign defination of rotations in formula, the displayed sign is regarding the formula above)
Operation parameter namerotation Y-axis
Operation parameter value+1.7004*10^-6 rad
Operation parameter remarksor +0.3507" (in offical provided data from NL sign of rotation is invers because of other sign defination of rotations in formula, the displayed sign is regarding the formula above)
Operation parameter namerotation Z-axis
Operation parameter value-9.0677*10^-6 rad
Operation parameter remarksor -1.8703" (in offical provided data from NL sign of rotation is invers because of other sign defination of rotations in formula, the displayed sign is regarding the formula above)
Operation parameter namecorrection of scale
Operation parameter value+4.0812*10^-6
Operation parameter remarksor +4.0812 ppm